Tips for Selling a Vacant Home

Tips to selling vacant home

Trying to sell a vacant home may be more difficult than selling a home you live in. A vacant home can be an unnecessary financial burden. Whether you’re trying to sell a vacant home or rent it out to tenants, there are some steps you must take that can improve your probability of selling. Below we’ve outlined some tips for homeowners who are trying to sell a vacant home

Below we’ve outlined some tips for homeowners who are trying to sell a vacant home.

Don’t sell it as a vacant home

When people consider buying a home, they want to be able to visualize themselves living in it. That’s hard for potential buyers to do when the house is empty. Vacant rooms also appear smaller. If there is nothing in the room, other less favorable aspects of the home become more visible. To improve your chance of selling, be sure to stage your empty home as if someone lives there. Add furniture and appliances so potential buyers get a feel for the place.

Maintain Curb Appeal

If you want to sell a home, it has to be as nice on the outside as it is on the inside. Even if it is vacant, you still must do things to appeal to those who are passing by or those who want to express interest in your property. Be sure to maintain the lawn, paint, and clear the front of any garbage. You can even hire a landscaper to improve the exterior aesthetically.

Keep Lights On

When your house is on the market, people may drive by to check it out. You should keep a few lights on to preserve the appearance that someone lives there. Outdoor lighting will also allow people to see how the house looks at night.

Secure Entrances

As mentioned above, vacant homes are vulnerable to intruders. To prevent the chance of a break-in, be sure to secure your entrances. Make sure every door is locked. If there are windows, secure them with a bar so they can’t be slid open.


If you make regular trips to check on your vacant property, be sure to air it out while you’re there. When a house is closed up for long, it can fill why dry hot air creating odors and moisture problems. IF there is mold, it will spread faster and the smell will become pungent. Airing it out will allow potential buyers to breathe when they observe the property.

Alert Local Law Enforcement

Vacant homes are vulnerable to crime, vandalism, and squatters. If your home is going to be vacant for a while, alert local law enforcement so they can keep an eye on your property.

Selling a vacant home is tough, but it isn’t impossible. Following these tips and selling your home can be much easier. You may also need to acquire Vacant Property Insurance to protect your property. We are a sales agency that represents Foremost Insurance. We can help you find the best rates on Foremost Vacant Property Insurance that best suits your needs. Contact us now and request an instant Foremost Vacant Home Insurance quote for free!

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